We Are Taking Over!

Monday, November 7, 2011

COED(s) of the Month

Congratulations Savannah and Marie for sharing the title of October's COED of the month.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

The Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough order forms went home with the girls last night. This is our last fundrasing opportunity before competition season starts so get out there and sell, sell, sell!

Cookie Goal: 120 tubs
that is only 6 per girl on the team
works out to $36 that can go to your fees
selling 6 tubs is as easy as ordering two for yourself, and hit your closest neighbors up and have sold your 6 in less than 1 hour. pretty simple if you ask me.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Current Fundraisers

Elder Beerman Community Days coupon booklets are still on sale for $5-100% to personal fees. Spots are open at the store to sit a booth--then our TEAM gets additional funds as well.
Community Days are coming soon--not much time left!
Booster Car Raffle tickets run until March. $10 per ticket for Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep raffle.
$5 to Boosters, $5 to personal fees.
Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough sale for personal fees. Two selling points: Different offerings than Wee Elks had available and delivery in time for Christmas Cookies!
Kroger gift cards still available. GASOLINE coming soon to Kroger on 48--use your Kroger points to reduce gas cost AND earn 4% toward your fees!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Party

It’s time for the annual Fall Party for the Centerville Coed Jr team!!!

Where?: The Hartley’s 8901 Wildfire Ct. Centerville OH 45458

When?: Saturday October 15th 6-9pm

Wear?: Black and Orange!!! Prizes for the most crazy, creative, and fun outfits/costumes!

Bring?: Bring Nothing! Unless you feel creative then you can bring some Halloween baked goods or fun treats if you wish!

Pizza and snacks provided we will add $3 onto dance fees to cover the cost!

Be prepared for some FEAR FACTOR fun and games!

COED of the Month

Congratulations McKenzie Cummings!!! Keep up the hard work :)

Welcome New COED Juniors

Ok, so this is kinda late but......
Welcome to our team Rachel Altland and Rachel Mount!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mid-Season Auditions September 27 6:15-8:30

Recruiting additional Team Members!
If you are in 6th, 7th or 8th grade and want to compete in Kickline, Jazz, Pom, and Hip Hop, please attend our ONE DAY Fall tryout.

Sept 27, 6;15-8:30 John Hole Elementary School.

Bring a parent (for permission form) and wear shorts, plain t-shirt, tights and dance shoes and come ready to DANCE!

Please see a current Team member or contact one of the Directors if you are interested in becoming a member of Centerville Coed Juniors!

You must be able to pick up the established routines quickly, but you will have a lot of fun in the process!
Directors Danielle 937-305-7920 or Nicole 937-435-2411

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Carwash Cancelled / Fundraising

This Saturday's carwash has been cancelled.
Please see Mr or Mrs Ward if you would like Elder Beerman booklets to sell for $5 each. Money earned goes toward personal fees (or dance clinics...) Also, please go to the Elder Beerman guest services at Dayton Mall if you would like to sell booklets at the store, and sign up for a time. Max 2 girls, and at least one adult must be present. The average has been about 6 books per 2 hr stint. Evenings and weekends are currently available. By sitting a booth, the Coed Jr TEAM also get a % from the store of booklets the associates sell.
Please see Mrs Totten if you would like to participate in the C'ville Booster Car Raffle. Money earned goes toward personal fees. She will have details for you, and tickets for you either this week or next week.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's Go!!!

Regular practices resume this Thursday, 8-4, from 6-8 in the South Commons at CHS. If you haven't turned in your physical forms BRING THEM WITH YOU TO PRACTICE OR ELSE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PRACTICE. There is no parent board meeting this month due to lack of agenda items. If you are performing a solo and have not yet started practice you need to start this month. Please check the calendar (link is on the side bar) for further info about this month's activities.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camp update

Hey Ladies!
I just wanted to say how proud I am of the girls at camp this weekend! They are doing great and they are having a lot of fun! I just wanted to send a friendly reminder that we need to be wearing tights to camp! I noticed a few girls were not and we need to make sure that we have our tights on to prevent injuries and to make sure that everyone is dressed appropriately! Thanks so much! Keep up the great work!
~Miss Nicole

Monday, July 25, 2011

Coed Juniors Swim Party

When: Tuesday, August 2nd, 6-8pm.

Where: Kris Hazenfield's House, 7590 Pelway Drive, Centerville

What do I need to do? I'm glad you asked! We're asking the girls to bring food & drinks to share. We expect about 25 attendees.

This is a team event for the girls. However, if parents choose to stay, please bring a drink to share, no alcohol please, and a chair for seating.

If your last name begins with A-C, please bring a dessert to share.
If your last name begins with D-K, please bring chips & dip or something salty to share.
If your last name begins with N-S, please bring veggies & dip or something healthy to share.
If your last name begins with T, please bring drinks (24) to share.
If your last name begins with Ward, please bring paper products. ;-) Thanks Barb!
If your last name begins with W (but is not Ward), please bring fruit to share.

A big thanks to Kris Hazenfield for providing our swim party location!

We will NOT be meeting at the CHS West Commons on this same date & time, as some of your Coed Calendars previously stated.

RSVP Regrets only, Questions? Please call Hilda at (937) 823-9854.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mark Calendars for January Fundraiser

10% profit from APPLEBEES Wilmington Pike on Sunday January 8, 2012
all day open to close we will get 10% of diner's bill if they present a flyer.
Mark your 2012 calendar's now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Technique Class Reminder

It's the first class of the month so don't forget those checks. Unless you already paid in which case you can totally disregard this message :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

****Raffle Winner*****
Congratulations KELSEY D. of Centerville!
She has won $350 in the Junior's Raffle.
If you would like a chance to win additional Raffle Prizes,
Please see a Coed Elementary, Cutie, or Senior and participate
in their Raffles in the coming months.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

4th of July Parade!

Parade practice went great tonight ladies! Thank you for all of your hard work and we can't wait to see you shine at the parade on Monday! Keep that Coed spirit up!! Keep practicing this weekend and we will see you on Monday!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parade Practice

Practice for the Americana Parade is this Thursday 6-30 from 5-8 pm in the West Commons of the High School. Please wear your parade shoes and bring along dance shoes as well.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get To Know You Party!

This is our first chance to gather to meet the new families and reunite with friends! (We will not have another Parent Mixer until the Halloween party) Please RSVP how many of your family plan to attend by responding to Tami Hartley (! If your daughter will not be attending please let us know for planning purposes.

What: Pool Party including swimming, beach volley ball, tether ball, hoola hoop contests, noodle relay races and prizes!!!! And not just for the kids!

Where: Dunsinane Swim Club

600 W. Spring Valley Rd. Centerville 45458

Date/Time: Wed. June 29th 6:30-9pm

Wear: Your swimming Suit! Or any poolside attire!

Bring: $3 per person (pay at the door)

Parents can bring your drink of choice in a concealed container!

Snack list below, eat dinner before you come!

If your last name begins with A-C

Please bring a Dessert to share!

If your last name begins with D-K

Please bring chips and dips!

If your last name begins with N-S

Please bring Veggies and Dip!

If your last name begins with T

Please bring 1 case (24) of cold waters!

If your last name begins with W

Please bring a Sliced Watermelon

Monday, June 13, 2011

Off to a Great Start!

Some of the moms were allowed to watch the girl's first technique class and we all agreed that the new class was a vast improvement over previous classes. The girls were working hard, sweating, and getting better with each turn and leap. If this keeps up we'll be unstoppable next competition season! Thank you Shining Star!
p.s. be sure to check out the director's page. The link is on the sidebar.

Summer Technique Class

The optional summer technique class at Shining Star star tonight! Improve your technique, stay in dancing condition, and catch up with your COED pals every Monday Night from 6-8pm. See you there!!!!
Click HERE for driving directions

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Americana Parade Info

The COED Juniors will be making their annual apperance at the Centerville Americana Parade on July 4th. Parade practice is scheduled for June 30th at the High School in the West Commons. Girls should wear their parade shoes to practice and also bring a pair of dance shoes. Drop off for the parade on the 4th is at 9am. Please review the map below, MANY streets are blocked off to access the high school. We have found one option that works is to drive north on Susan and drop your daughter off at Judson. This is the back entrance to the school parking lot, by the baseball fields. She can easily walk to the Theater entrance were the girls will meet at 9:00am. The Parade ends at Cline on Virginia Ave, meet your daughter there, she will be dismissed as soon as she gets there. Please allow extra time.

Parade Attire: Parade dress, spankies, poms, clean white shoes (Ked like works great) and no show socks. Hair bow will be provided at the parade.

Americana Parade Map

Click HERE for the Americana Parade Map

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Working at the Car Wash!

Today was the first car wash fundraiser and the COED JR.s were hard at work (or at least their mom's were). We had a decent turn out but, hope for more business next time! McKenzie Cummings said, "I think we're doing a good job, we're working hard,and I hope we make lots of money." The girls made $164(or so) this time out. Check out the pics below!

Car Wash 2011 Pics

car wash 018car wash 017car wash 016car wash 015car wash 014car wash 011
car wash 010car wash 009car wash 008car wash 007car wash 006car wash 005
car wash 004car wash 003car wash 002car wash 001

car wash, a set on Flickr.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Car Wash 6-4

Attention all COED Junior Parents...

THIS SATURDAY June 4th is our first car wash of the summer.

Location: National Tire and Battery (NTB) located on the corner of Wilmington and Alex Bell
Time: 11:45a drop off time
Pick up Time: 2:15p

Girls should bring a bucket, towels, and a sponge. It is going to be a hot day, so bring a water bottle as well.

Please wear a COED Shirt (if you have one) and shorts. If you don't already own a COED shirt, if you have something in Centerville colors, that would be great. NO BATHING SUITS PLEASE :)

Please tell all your family and Friends. Post it on Facebook. Text your peeps.
Tell them to come anytime between 12p-2p THIS SATURDAY to get their car washed.
There is not a set price for the car wash, we are just asking for donations.

Questions? Give me a call at 307-6639.

Thanks :)
Amy Clayton
COED Parent Board Team Coordinator

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shining Star Dance Studio Summer Workshop

Here is another summer dance opportunity. Shining Star dance studio is hosting a summer workshop June 10th through the 12th.
Friday, June 10 at 9:00am -4:00pm
Saturday - 930am-4pm
Sunday - 930-4:00pm

The cost is $100 and includes a T-shirt, lunch, try-out fee, and registration fee for next year. For more info e-mail:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Miss Bridgitte's Summer Dance Camp

Here is info about another summer dance camp for anyone interested.

Miss Bridgitte's Turning Pointe Dance will offer a Summer Dance Camp for dancers with or without dance experience July 25 ~ July 29, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Campers will take classes and learn ballet technique, fitness and positive body imaging, jazz/ modern movement and a production line with emphasis in musical theatre. Campers will showcase their routines with a performance on the final day. Awards and a special gift given to all campers, in addition to "Camper of the Year" scholarship. Cost is $65 per camper. ** Teams with 15 or more campers enrolling will receive a 5% rebate donated back to their team at the conclusion of camp.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Message From Makenzie Ward (stolen from Facebook)

People say dance isn't a sport
we kick higher then soccer players
run more laps then track runners
condition longer and harder then football players
punch harder then boxers
...jump higher then divers
we know the court better then basket ball players
we HIT stronger then baseball players
and most importantly... we look good, while doing it!
Centerville.Coeds ♥

2011-2012 Officers

Captain - Hannah Hartley
Co-Captain - Samantha Hazenfield
Co-Captain - Jenna Tracy
Lieutenant - Marie Crouchley
Lieutenant - Savannah DeAnthony

Officer Try-outs

11 girls tried out for officer positions tonight and we wish them all good luck. Makenzie Ward gave me an exclusive post try-out interview and she said, "I totally blew up the spot, kaboom!" Then she and her father exchanged numerous fist bumps. Whatever the outcome, we're all proud of you girls!

CDP Dance Camp

Interested in a fun summer dance camp for your daughter? Centerville High School's dance program is hosting a dance camp for girls age 7-13. The camp runs June 13-17 from 9am-4pm. Campers will be taught Jazz, ballet, character, yoga, pilates, and Zumba. Camp culminates in a performance Friday evening @ 6pm. Registration fee is $150 and the deadline is June 10th. Contact Centerville Dance Program Director Tenille Redmond to register or for more information:
Centerville High School
500 East Franklin Street
Centerville, OH 45459
Phone: 439-3581

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Parent Meeting

There is a parent meeting scheduled for Thrusday, May 26th from 6-7:30pm in the Tower Heights library. Each team member and at least one parent are expected to attend. We will be going over team expectations, fees, fund raising, and much more. The girls will also be measured for uniforms at this time. See you there!


Congratulations to everyone that made the team this year. This year is going to be amazing!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Try Outs Today!!!!!

Good Luck to everyone trying out tonight! Have fun and work it ladies!